Posts Tagged ‘fingerprinting for efilers’

Fingerprinting in Phoenix for E-Filers and Tax Preparers

December 28th, 2011 by ArizonaLivescan

If you’re new to E-filing and need to submit fingerprints to complete your licensing please note that Arizona Livescan can digitally fingerprint you and apply your fingerprint images to the fingerprint card. You’ll need to call the IRS at 1-866-255-0654 to get your finger print card. Bring your fingerprint cards into our office with two forms of ID and we will be happy to assist you. You may also find out more about this requirement by visiting the IRS web site.


UPDATE: According to the Journal of Accountancy, February 2012, “the IRS will delay and reconsider its fingerprinting requirement for tax return preparers, IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman told the AICPA National Tax Conference.” Form more information please visit
