Fingerprinting – Scottsdale Police Department
September 27th, 2011 by ArizonaLivescan
The Scottsdale Police Department is no longer offering public fingerprinting as of January 01, 2011. Arizona Livescan provides digital livescan fingerprinting, the only location in Phoenix. Please consider us a resource for all your fingerprinting needs. We are open Monday through Friday from 9 to 6. Walk-ins are welcome. Your visit should take no more than 10 minutes. We are located right at 24th Ave to the east of the I-17 at 2432 W. Peoria Ave, Bldg. 2, Ste. 1026 with plenty of parking. Call us at 602-246-3444 for more details.
Fingerprinting for Medical Marijuana
September 20th, 2011 by ArizonaLivescan
If you are seeking information about the Medical Marijuana Program it is regulated by the Arizona Department of Health Services. In accordance with Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.) §36-2819, fingerprints are required to be submitted to conduct a state and federal criminal records check for the following individuals:
- a designated caregiver (Arizona Administrative Code (A.A.C.) R9-17-202(F)(6)(k));
- a custodial parent and/or legal guardian acting as a designated caregiver for a patient under 18 years of age
- (A.A.C. R9-17-202(G)(9)); and
- a dispensary agent individual (A.A.C. R9-17-311(7)) who
- is serving as a principal officer or board member for the dispensary
- is employed by or contracted with the dispensary
- is providing volunteer services at or on behalf of the dispensary
Our fingerprint technicians are approved to roll fingerprints for the Department of Health Services (AZ DHS) including the Medical Marijuana Program. Please call if you have any questions regarding our fingerprinting services. Any questions regarding the licensing process should be directed to the Arizona Department of Health Services.
AZ DHS Fingerprint Requirement
September 13th, 2011 by ArizonaLivescan
Arizona Livescan provides fingerprinting for all Arizona Department of Health fingerprint requirements including medical marijuana, home health care agencies, child care licensing and more! We also have the most recent Fingerprint Clearance Card applications. Why Arizona Livescan? Quick, easy, accurate fingerprints help you to avoid unnecessary delays in your application process. No appointment necessary and centrally located. We charge $20 for fingerprinting services using our livescan system. If you require 2 cards as is the case with Arizona medical marijuana licensing requirements, the fee is $20 plus $10 for the additional card. We provide fingerprinting for all of your needs including Level One and regular fingerprint clearance cards.
Fingerprinting for Adoption and Foster Care
September 13th, 2011 by ArizonaLivescan
We help many people with fingerprinting for foster care and adoption. So, if the court, foster care agency, or case worker told you to get your fingerprints done please come by and see us. We are centrally located in Phoenix, AZ. We charge $20 using our Livescan system which will print directly onto a FD-258 fingerprint card. It is easy and quick. Most importantly, livescan is very accurate thereby avoiding unnecessary delays in your application process. For more information about adoption and foster care see the Arizona Department of Economic Security’s Adoption Web Site.
Fingerprinting Clearance for Arizona Appraisers
September 2nd, 2011 by ArizonaLivescan
If you need to get your fingerprints done to apply or renew your AZ Appraiser license you do not have to go to a police department or local law enforcement agency. You can come to a private fingerprinting agency like Arizona Livescan. Our fingerprint cards are accepted by the Board of Appraisal. In fact, here at Arizona Livescan we use the best technology to get the best fingerprints and then we apply your fingerprints to the card supplied by the Board. Please bring in the fingerprint card from the Arizona Board of Appraisal. To obtain a fingerprint card, pick up one from the Board office or send a 9″ x 12″ self-addressed envelope to the Board office. The fingerprint card received from the Board office must be the card used for fingerprints because it has specific agency data preprinted on it. You can reach them at (602) 542 – 1539. Our fingerprinting services cost only $20 using our Livescan system. If you have any questions you may contact us at 602-246-3444.
I’m in a rush. How can I get my fingerprint clearance card ASAP?
September 1st, 2011 by ArizonaLivescan
Because fingerprint clearance cards are processed through AZ DPS we have no way to let you know (sorry); however, there may be a general time frame you can expect to get them back. The best way to know is to contact them directly to ask! They can be reached at 602-223-2279. Many of our customers come here already having their money order made out to DPS, get their fingerprints rolled by us (DPS does not offer this service) and then drive to the DPS Applicant office at 2320 N 20th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85005 to hand deliver their application packets. We charge $20 for fingeprinting. If you have the time, I do recommend hand delivering it. Why? Because there have been times when the mail was lost or the card was bent in the mail. It doesn’t happen often, but it is a concern. Also, our fingerprint technicians will review your fingerprints for accuracy. Rejected fingerprints will result in a delay of your fingerprint clearance card. Come to Arizona Livescan–Fingerprinting it’s all we do!