Applying for a Fingerprint Clearance Card with the AZ DPS

August 15th, 2011 by ArizonaLivescan

If you are applying for a Fingerprint Clearance Card with the AZ Department of Public Safety (AZ DPS) you’ve come to the right place. We provide fingerprint rolling services for all types of fingerprint clearance card applicants. Whether you are in need of Identy Verified Fingerprinting (IVP) services, Level One Clearance or a regular fingerprint clearance card we can assist you.

AZ DPS and Livescan Fingerprinting

Although AZ DPS is not yet equipped to receive Livescan Fingerprinting uploads from private collections agencies, we utilize the Livescan technology to collect the best possible fingerprint images and apply them to standard FBI FD-258  fingerprint cards using an FBI-Certified printer. This fingerprint collection process allows us to capture the best images of your fingerprints thereby avoiding delays and missed deadlines for returned prints.


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