Fingerprint-based Background Checks for School Contractors
January 6th, 2012 by ArizonaLivescan
Public and/or Charter School Contractor, Subcontractor of Vendor and their Employees must have Fingerprint Clearance Cards per ARS 15-512. If your organization falls under any Arizona Revised Statute requiring a Fingerprint Clearance Card then Arizona Livescan is your first step in the process. The Fingerprint Clearance Card background check process not only involves a state-level background check, but a federal one as well. The law states that if the contractor provides services directly to pupils without the supervision of a certificated employee they need a fingerprint clearance card. If you or your organization have any questions regarding whether or not you are required to have a Fingerprint Clearance Card or about the type of background check that is performed please contact the Arizona Department of Public Safety at 602-223-2279.
Fingerprinting in Phoenix for E-Filers and Tax Preparers
December 28th, 2011 by ArizonaLivescan
If you’re new to E-filing and need to submit fingerprints to complete your licensing please note that Arizona Livescan can digitally fingerprint you and apply your fingerprint images to the fingerprint card. You’ll need to call the IRS at 1-866-255-0654 to get your finger print card. Bring your fingerprint cards into our office with two forms of ID and we will be happy to assist you. You may also find out more about this requirement by visiting the IRS web site.
UPDATE: According to the Journal of Accountancy, February 2012, “the IRS will delay and reconsider its fingerprinting requirement for tax return preparers, IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman told the AICPA National Tax Conference.” Form more information please visit
Mobile Fingerprinting in Scottsdale Today!
December 7th, 2011 by ArizonaLivescan
Today, we are taking our livescan mobile fingerprinting unit to Paradise Valley, Scottsdale. Our Phoenix, AZ office is open from 9 to 6 for livescan fingerprinting! With multiple livescan units Arizona Livescan can meet your large group fingerprinting needs and still serve our walk-in customers. And remember, if you think you don’t need digital fingerprinting, know that livescan fingerprinting has a 99.9% acceptance rate which translates into classifiable fingerprints, no delays and no rejected fingerprints! Livescan, digital fingerprinting is crucial when fingerprinting large groups. Why? Old-fashioned ink-rolling can become tiresome after the fingerprint collector has fingerprinted two or three people. Ink fingerprinting is already error-prone and moreso with large groups. Call 602-246-3444 to schedule your mobile fingerprinting with livescan today!
Mobile Fingerprinting in Phoenix – A Reliable Partner
November 23rd, 2011 by ArizonaLivescan
Does your company need to fingerprint a group of employees, volunteers or teachers? If so, you’ve found the right partner in Arizona Livescan. Our mobile livescan fingerprinting system is portable, efficient and provides instant verification of classifiable fingerprints. This means your fingerprints will not be rejected and, most importantly when fingerprinting groups, because our livescan system is so efficient, your employees will not be standing by waiting hours for their turn. We can also provide an extra set of fingerprints with the click a mouse. In addition, our team can also perform Notaries for you, too, Our mobile fingerprinting team is at your service! Call us at 602-246-3444 or email us at
Fingerprinting Clearance for Arizona Appraisers
September 2nd, 2011 by ArizonaLivescan
If you need to get your fingerprints done to apply or renew your AZ Appraiser license you do not have to go to a police department or local law enforcement agency. You can come to a private fingerprinting agency like Arizona Livescan. Our fingerprint cards are accepted by the Board of Appraisal. In fact, here at Arizona Livescan we use the best technology to get the best fingerprints and then we apply your fingerprints to the card supplied by the Board. Please bring in the fingerprint card from the Arizona Board of Appraisal. To obtain a fingerprint card, pick up one from the Board office or send a 9″ x 12″ self-addressed envelope to the Board office. The fingerprint card received from the Board office must be the card used for fingerprints because it has specific agency data preprinted on it. You can reach them at (602) 542 – 1539. Our fingerprinting services cost only $20 using our Livescan system. If you have any questions you may contact us at 602-246-3444.
I’m in a rush. How can I get my fingerprint clearance card ASAP?
September 1st, 2011 by ArizonaLivescan
Because fingerprint clearance cards are processed through AZ DPS we have no way to let you know (sorry); however, there may be a general time frame you can expect to get them back. The best way to know is to contact them directly to ask! They can be reached at 602-223-2279. Many of our customers come here already having their money order made out to DPS, get their fingerprints rolled by us (DPS does not offer this service) and then drive to the DPS Applicant office at 2320 N 20th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85005 to hand deliver their application packets. We charge $20 for fingeprinting. If you have the time, I do recommend hand delivering it. Why? Because there have been times when the mail was lost or the card was bent in the mail. It doesn’t happen often, but it is a concern. Also, our fingerprint technicians will review your fingerprints for accuracy. Rejected fingerprints will result in a delay of your fingerprint clearance card. Come to Arizona Livescan–Fingerprinting it’s all we do!
Fingerprinting in Phoenix, AZ
April 29th, 2011 by admin
Need to get your fingerprints taken? You’ve come to the right place! Arizona Livescan utilizes premier state-of-the-art technology to capture your prints. We are centrally located in Phoenix, AZ and our mobile kiosk can go onsite for large groups.